Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Groupon Ads

So, this only tangentially relates to class, but here's a short article I came across about the Groupon Super Bowl ads we talked about on Tuesday. I think it's a little related to our class at least though, because it's a look at the link between corporations, non-profits/causes and the public, among other things.

Here's a few highlights:

Not a single person watched our ad and concluded that it’s cool to kill whales. In fact – and this is part of the reason we ran them – they have the opposite effect.

The firm that conceived the ad, Crispin Porter & Bogusky, strives to draw attention to the cultural tensions created by brands. ...

That's how I initially understood the series: as a biting critique of shallow commercialism....

Here, by the way, is a link to the page where Groupon is soliciting donations for nonprofit groups related to the causes from each ad.

(as a side note, CP&B is a big name ad firm thats known for shaking up the add industry, and it's creative head left over the summer to put his efforts towards socially beneficial causes. Here's a great (but long) article about it)

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