Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CLIMATE CHANGE: U.S. Rep. Fred Upton criticized for 'flip-flop' on climate change

Has Fred Upton flip-flopped on the issue of climate change?

Upton, Republican congressman of St. Joseph, has received a lot of press coverage in the last two weeks after floating a draft bill that would strip the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of its ability to regulate carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.

Several media outlets and environmental groups have seized on an Upton statement from April 2009 in which he called climate change a "serious problem" as evidence of an about-face on the issue now that he's chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

A long, but interesting and well-researched story in the Los Angeles Times chronicles the rise of the Koch brothers' influence on the GOP. The story suggests Upton has changed his stance on climate change: "Until recently, Upton would have been an unlikely champion of that view."  READ MORE

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